
Fees & Insurance options

Private Insurance (BCBS, Cigna, UHC/Optum/UMR, Tricare, Humana, Bright Health, Beacon, ENI and MORE)


AppointmentsOur Fee
Parent Consultations $30 (half hour) $60 (full hour)
School Consultations (including IEP attendance) $60/hour 


Assessments/EvaluationsOur Fee
ABA Assessment Intake Meeting for New Clients$150
Behavioral Assessment (assessment scoring, interpretation, development of treatment goals)$250 (plus $0.65/mile from our office if applicable)
ABA Report Preparation/Behavior Support Plan $150
Speech and Language Initial Evaluation$200


ABA ServicesOur Fee
Direct Therapy Session with RBT in home, office, or school (this includes observations by the BCBA)$50/hour 
Parent Training Sessions $50/hour
Social Skills Group (one two-hour session per week)$120/month or $50/session


SLP ServicesOur Fee
Speech & Language Session$70/session


Parent ClassesOur Fee
Next Steps Class:

(in person or remote)

$50/per couple

each additional $10/person

For additional information regarding Autism Services or questions regarding billing, email:

Websites for Therapists by TherapyTribe